Auto-immune condition gone automatically after..

Smile is a sign of joy and gladness. Life seemed wonderful with smile on my face until a year ago when I was diagnosed with periodontal disease, an auto-immune condition that affected my gums. It slowly developed with inflammation, bleeding and pain in the gums. It made me difficult to eat hot and cold food. I love spicy food but couldn’t enjoy it anymore. Dentist said it would only get worse and give way to more health risks. So gave me a plan to treat the condition. I asked the dentist if his patients were completely cured according to his treatment plans. He said it had happened sometimes for some people. But cannot guarantee for me. He was saying this to take care of my gums to his best knowledge as soon as possible. I was completely discouraged and helpless. I found no hope in any dentist after he said that. I was only 31 but according to his knowledge and observation, I was aging too soon.

On my way back home, his comments and treatment plans were buzzing on my head. Where am I heading? How is my health going to progress? How can I not be serious about this? How can I ignore this? Who can give me the hope of saving my health? My heart was longing for elixir of life. I am a foodie. I love to taste variety of cuisine. And now I’m feeling unease and discomfort in my mouth. After some months, I came to know about the awesome power in the name of Lord Jesus Christ. He defeated death. He won over death. God raised him from the dead. His grave is opened and still remains till this day.

So before I brushed my teeth, I said this….” In the name of Jesus Christ who raised from the death, in the name of Jesus Christ who won over death, I now brush my teeth” and I brushed my teeth morning and night. I didn’t realize when exactly it happened but I saw suddenly that the inflammation was gone. I felt no tenderness in my gums. Bleeding stopped. My mouth felt so clean, no bad odor , all happened after I believed and confessed the name of Lord Jesus Christ. I realized once again that Salvation is found in no one else. I found no dentist who can save me. Lord Almighty is awesome. His works are perfect. I can now smile like never before. Thank you Lord!